A Train of Riots

Interesting fact : After the 2002 Gujarat riots, countries like the US and the UK banned the chief minister Narendra Modi from entering these nations for his condemnable and irresponsible handling of the riots. This ban wasn't revoked until he was nominated as a candidate for the Prime Minister of India. 

Hindu-Muslim violence has persisted in India for long; every time status quo ante bellum seems to re-establish itself, a new case of an egregious pogrom emerges and haunts the whole nation, for a brief span. It is widely seen, that the brunt of the violence and assault is faced by the minorities and a political hand is always involved in such an orchestration of organized crime. 

Back in 2002, when Narendra Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat, a spiteful rumour spread like a wildfire and brought fresh riots to the Muslim town of Godhra. As a train of Hindu pilgrims was halted at the Godhra station, the Hindus coerced the Muslims to chant hindu mantras. Later, the engine of the train caught fire due to a mechanical error and several humans perished. The rumour which proliferated had framed the Muslims as the cause of the fire. In not much time, boisterous, armed Hindus assembled and unleashed the devil inside as hooliganism reached unprecedented heights. Violence, looting, arson and homicide resurfaced as the modes of venting of unjustified, pointless anger. 1000 Muslims died in this savagery, as it spread to nearby towns too. 

The ministers instructed the policemen to give free way to rioters. Mr. Modi could've easily stopped this disgraceful event and ensured the rule of law. But according to him a 'chain of action and reaction' had been onset with the burning of the train. The main political motive behind such riots is to appease the majority vote bank. The riots of 1984, 1992 and 2002 reflect the immortality and unwillingness of the leaders of the nation which permit the monstrosity to rule with impunity.  The sacrosanct constitution is desecrated and the rights of the citizens are mocked when a rowdy man can overtly break into another's house and loot it and burn it down. 

Written by Vaibhav and Veertej

Thank you


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